Well, its been a while since I’ve written about FHIR, and after lots of interesting exercises in trying figure out “where that goes” I have a working FHIR interface on the Client Registry. I’d thought about sharing some of the interesting use cases I’ve been able to test, and which I hope can be demonstrated at the FHIR CAT this weekend.
FHIR Registration with PIX Registration to XDS Registry
This was the first use case I tested. Basically registering a simple patient record via a POST to http://cr.marc-hi.ca:8080/fhir/0.11/Patient results in an ITI-44 to our XDS registry. This allows an iPad app to create a patient which is then propagated to an affinity domain (i.e. you can have FHIR interface notify another PIX manager)
FHIR Query of an ADT (ITI-8) Registration from an HIS
The second demonstration that I’ve tried is sending an ADT^A01 to the PIX manager and retrieving that data using the FHIR query. I’ve also been able to update the information via FHIR and retrieve the changes via a QBP^Q22 message.
Additionally, the business logic of a client registry (auto/manual-merging, fuzzy matching, auditing, etc.) triggered on the FHIR interface as well.
I’ll post more updates as they are available. Our plan is to take the software to the FHIR CAT and the IHE CAT in January. FHIR may be useful in mobile IHE profiles and this provides a good POC and can identify gaps (it is great to see how a system like this might behave).
Interfaces are available publicly:
FHIR: http://cr.marc-hi.ca:8080/fhir/0.11/
PDQ/PIX Version 2: llp://cr.marc-hi.ca:2100
PIXv3: http://cr.marc-hi.ca:8080/PIXManager
PDQv3: http://cr.marc-hi.ca:8080/PDQSupplier
HL7v3 (CA): http://cr.marc-hi.ca:8080/cr
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